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Self help book to improve communication and social skills

   Great social skills can lead to a better life, a wealth of friendships, a closer family, and a more successful career. Many books tell you what social skills you need and why. Few tell you how to act to build those skills in yourself. This book does exactly that through simple lessons that can change your life. It's easier than you may think when you have a road map.

   Joe Gallagher was shy, insecure, and fearful as a young man. He observed others who had more confidence, were more interesting, and much happier. He took control of his social interactions by learning the skills from his observations which enabled him to build a large group of meaningful relationships, a close family, and a long successful career as a senior executive for a Fortune 500 company. 

   He credits his personal and business success to the social skills he learned through the stories in his book. They provide practical advice on actions others can take to quickly build great social skills. 

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